Here at Fireclay we are lucky enough to work with some very talented designers and architects. In celebration of their work and the partnerships we've created, we have developed a series of Designer Spotlights to highlight these creative individuals and share the inspiration behind their designs. First up is Paige Loczi of Loczi Design. Paige has been a long time supporter of Fireclay Tile and has used our product in a variety of projects, including this California Home and Design award winning kitchen in San Francisco.

Paige's top picks: Brick in Cotton, Diamond Contour in the Cool Motif, and our Tile color Carbon Matte
Inspired by her father who was a famous car designer for over 46 years, Paige grew up surrounded by the world of art and design. After pursuing everything from dance to teaching, Paige pursued a career in design, leading to the creation of her own full service firm, Loczi Design. Loczi Design lives by the motto that design is about creating an environment that supports the entire person and comes from being of service. "We believe everyone benefits from good design. Our Mission is to create spaces that balance and inspire," Paige says.
Paige holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from UC Berkeley, a certificate in sustainability, and attended the Interior Architecture and Design professional certification program through UC Berkeley extension. Paige is also a certified green building professional through (CGBP) Build It Green, an organization that she firmly supports and admires.

Diamond Heights Residence featuring Fireclay Tile.
A Quick Chat with Paige...
My style can be described as...
Colorful, eclectic, expressive and intentional.
My design philosophy is...
Do what you love and be authentic. Find a way to connect to your clients, your materials, your colleagues–find the story, tell the story, and create new stories. A well-designed space should speak for itself.
I got my start...
By decorating a penthouse for two young professionals. I did the landscaping, the faux painting and furniture assembly. It was a trial by fire, but I loved every minute of it, and they did too!
I find inspiration in...
So many things–architecture, art, fashion, nature. I love to travel and take a step back and see how others live. NYC always reboots my engine as much as a meditation retreat does.
I can’t live without...
Yoga, love, my family.
My best design advice is...
To work with others whom you respect and genuinely enjoy. Design should be fun, precise and balanced. Don't be afraid to take risks, try new things and ask a lot of questions. Collaboration is the key to our thriving design practice.
I love tile because...
It's it's timeless and functional. I love the colorful rectilinear quality and the way it transforms a space instantly. I love Fireclay because of its handmade quality and finish.
My favorite Fireclay color is...
Anything with crackle. I especially appreciate the recycled clay body and the idea of reusing materials to make something beautiful and lasting.

This kitchen was designed for a young family who wanted a space that would complement their dynamic energy and their beautiful Glen Canyon views. Paige used a variety of locally sourced, natural elements in the design, including a custom blend of Fireclay Tie.
The inspiration for this home came from fashion designer, Alexander McQueen. Specifically McQueen’s Razor-clam dress.
The bathroom above and the dining room below are part of project that gave Paige an opportunity to re-imagine a classic San Francisco Victorian. Fresh new design elements were introduced while honoring the original architectural details.
Thanks for chatting with us, Paige!
Learn more about Paige and Loczi Design here. Want to see more of Paige's Fireclay project? Check out our Gallery page.