Graffiti test done with our glazed Brick color with a gloss finish, Scarlet.
When unglazed, exterior brick surfaces are graffiti-prone they suddenly become impossible to clean. This is why we like to highlight the glazed property of our thin Brick. Theoretically, all glazed surfaces are "cleanable" due to their smooth nonporous surface, however the concept is not necessarily promoted the same way it is with Tile because brick is often associated with being an "unglazed" material.
To reinforce the idea that our glazed Brick is graffiti-resistant and a viable option for exterior cladding our team has done a few (messy!) tests. Here are a few tips we came up with based on our results:
1. The ease of cleaning glazed Brick is somewhat dependant on how shiny the glaze surface is. Smooth, glossy surfaces are easier to clean than Matte and satin glazes, which have more texture, requiring a lot more scrubbing to get rid of that graffiti. Bringing us to our next tip...
2. Cleaning your brick will usually only require a little soap and water and minimal scrubbing, a basic sponge or rag should do the trick. However, If you choose a more textured glaze soap might not be enough. If this is the case, you'll need to use a stronger cleaning solvent, and as we mentioned above, you'll have to put a little more muscle in to your scrubbing.
3. Keep in mind that paint cures in the first few hours and days, so the sooner you get to your graffiti problem, the easier it will be to remove. But don't worry, even old paint can be removed with heavy scrubbing and scraping.
Final result of our graffiti test done with our glazed Brick color Scarlet.
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